
The Discover Temple destination team implements marketing and social media strategies and effectively spreads the word about our incredible destination and its fantastic local business owners. We invite you to take advantage of the resources available on the website as well as utilize the extranet. Our local business owners will receive a unique login for the extranet to update listings, add specials, update business hours, and more. Our local business owners also have the opportunity to access analytics available through secure logins.

We at Discover Temple want our visitors to immerse themselves in the one-of-a-kind experiences that Temple has to offer. It is our goal to give the viewer an enticing glimpse of everything they are missing through DiscoverTemple.com.  Whether your business is an attraction, a restaurant with delicious food, or a cozy place for visitors to stay in Temple, your listing will become a valuable asset for attracting incoming visitors. It is important that all listing details are current and up to date. 

Join us for a virtual extranet training on how to maintain your listing on June 21st from 9 am to 11 am CST. Join the meeting here  https://us06web.zoom.us/j/83686225416 This meeting will be recorded and posted for those unable to attend. If you have questions please contact us at discovertemple@templetx.gov