City of Temple wins The Daytripper Viewer’s Choice
TEMPLE, TX (August 11, 2023) – UPDATE: The City of Temple has been selected as the winning City for The Daytripper finale of Season 14, Viewer’s Choice Episode.
The contest began on July 14, and out of 16 cities, Temple beat out the final-round pick against Comanche on Friday. Chet and the crew are now planning out their visit. The episode will air in May.
Watch the winning announcement HERE.
Vote for the City of Temple in The Daytripper Viewer’s Choice
UPDATE (August 4, 2023) - UPDATE: The City of Temple has made it to the fourth and final round of draft picks for The Daytripper finale of Season 14, Viewer’s Choice Episode.
The final-round pick includes Temple vs. Comanche. Next Friday, the winning City will be announced and officially declared as the winner.
Voting will last one week, and voters can vote once per day. The final-round voting form can be found HERE.
TEMPLE, TX (July 28, 2023) – UPDATE: The City of Temple has made it to the third round of draft picks for The Daytripper finale of Season 14, Viewer’s Choice Episode.
The third-round picks include Temple vs. San Antonio and Galveston vs. Comanche. Each week, winners will progress to the next round until the championship declares a winner.
Voting in the second-round picks will last one week, and voters can vote once per day. The second-round voting form can be found HERE.
TEMPLE, TX (July 21, 2023) – UPDATE: The City of Temple has made it to the second round of draft picks for The Daytripper finale of Season 14, Viewer’s Choice Episode.
The second-round picks include Grand Prairie vs. Temple, San Antonio vs. McAllen, Galveston vs. Texarkana, and Comanche vs. Menard. Each week, winners will progress to the next round until the championship declares a winner.
Voting on the second-round picks will last one week. The second-round voting form can be found HERE.
TEMPLE, TX (July 14, 2023) – The City of Temple has been chosen as part of 16 towns competing to be featured in Season 14 of The Daytripper.
The Daytripper is a travel blog and podcast featuring Chet and “the crew” as they explore Texas, from well-known landmarks to the obscure dives and hideaways of every corner of the Lone Star State.
The Daytripper announced the Season 14 Location Drop in a YouTube video posted today, July 14, 2023. In it, Chet announces the draft picks for the finale of Season 14, Viewer’s Choice Episode.
The first round of picks includes Grand Prairie vs. Denison, Terrell vs. Temple, San Antonio vs. Zapata, Karnes City vs. McAllen, Galveston vs. Rusk, Jasper vs. Texarkana, El Paso vs. Menard, and Comanche vs. Del Rio. Each week, winners will progress to the next round until the championship declares a winner.
Voting on the first round of picks will last one week. The voting form can be found HERE, and The Daytripper will announce the winners of the first round on their social media pages.